Safety Reporting

Take safety reporting to the next level with our mandatory participation feature

Safety culture is paramount on a drill site. It’s more than throwing on a pair of FRC’s and occasionally monitoring for trip hazards or pinch points. It should be on a field engineer’s mind all the time, whether the hazard is on location or downhole.

Great safety participation requires personnel to understand, recognize, and report all hazards present on the job site. Oilfield workers experience near misses and injuries seven times more than the national average for any other industry. Struck-by-hazards, unprotected sides or edges, slips or trips, improper ladder use, unstable working surfaces are some of the main culprits in causing injury. Field engineers are often tired during a tour and safety can often take a backseat to other tasks.

With our safety reporting features, you can choose to make safety reporting mandatory for field engineers to complete a safety observation worksheet or JSA before they can start their next report, thus creating a 100% safety participation record for your company. How valuable is it to your clients if you can promise a 100% safety record?

Choose between our standard safety reports or let us help you create your own.

Want to know more? Request a demo today.