Annular Hydraulics

Our annular hydraulics feature does all the thinking for you.

One of the first things you notice about MudWorks is that it’s easy to use. You only have to enter the minimum number of fields in order for it to generate and auto-fill the rest of the figures. At its core, however, is an advanced wellbore fluid dynamics model that figures out the dynamics of all your hole sections.

Using data from your drill string, casing, mud checks and pump information, the annular hydraulics section will figure out your annular velocities, critical velocities, critical pump rate, equivalent circulating density, flow characteristics, cuttings carrying index, pressure drops, slip velocity, surge/swab in ppb, and much more.

It will also give you a full set of bit hydraulics data by combining the fluid data with your bit information. These include PSI Loss, HP, Jet Velocity and Impact Force.

The daily input data gathered also generates a wellbore diagram that breaks down the annular hydraulics for each ID of casing and OD of pipe in the hole.

Want to know more? Request a demo today.